Sara Easterson-Bond


Sara began studying Yoga in 2005 and was hooked after one class! Sara’s teaching focuses on bringing strength, stability and humor to the practice of Yoga, both on and off the mat. "Cultivating Joy" is how she describes her approach to Yoga and life. A Level 2 Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Sara has studied extensively with senior Iyengar teacher Patricia Walden, completing Patricia’s 2-year teacher training program in 2015. Sara has studied with Geeta Iyengar in Pune, India. She also gratefully acknowledges the major influences of Iyengar teachers, Ja Soon Kim and Carrie Owerko, on her Yogic path. Sara has taught public classes, private classes, workshops and special series since 2014. Before becoming a full-time Yoga teacher, Sara spent 15 years as a Managing Partner of WoodMetalConcrete Architecture with architect/husband Tom Easterson-Bond. A lifelong New Mexico resident with a background in studio art and architecture, she holds an appreciation for the beauty of color, proportion and line in her teaching and practice. Sara’s other passions include learning from her chihuahuas and reading the widest range of poetry possible.

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Melissa Spamer


Melissa has spent most of her life in deep observation of nature, the body, and movement patterns. Beginning formal dance classes at the age of three, she danced through university continuing her studies in expressive arts therapy, bodywork, Ayurveda and psychology. She began formally studying the practice of Yoga with the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers in 1993, and received her first certification to teach Yoga in 1997. She has since completed more than six Yoga teacher trainings and has accumulated thousands of teaching hours around the world-training teachers, leading retreats, and supporting others on their healing paths. She spent over two decades studying with her primary teachers, Angela Farmer and Victor Van Kooten, and the late Rama Jyoti Vernon. Her love of Yoga led her to study and train with Dr. Vasant Lad to become an Ayurvedic practitioner. She has delved deeply into movement arts, therapeutics, Yoga, bodywork, energywork, and somatics for over three decades. Her classes are mindful and introspective, incorporating Yoga philosophy, energetic and physical anatomy, somatic inquiry, and free flowing movement explorations. She has a master’s degree in counseling psychology with a special focus in neurobiology and healing trauma. She is a certified trauma professional. Her classes encourage you to care deeply about your whole self and the collective body of the world.

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Linda Spackman


Linda Spackman began practicing yoga in 1984 and teaching in 2000. She offers workshops, retreats, and series classes for Yoga studios and teacher trainings both nationally and internationally. Her passions and expertise include asana, pranayama, and chanting the Bhagavad Gītā, Yoga Sūtras, Vedas and Upanishads. In teaching, Linda imparts her joy and reverence for all aspects of Yoga. Her presentation style is uplifting and accessible yet challenging for all levels, from beginners to lifelong practitioners. Linda is a senior student of Sonia Nelson, a personal student of TKV Desikachar. Sonia’s teaching transmits an understanding of the depth of the Yoga tradition and how these ancient teachings apply in contemporary, everyday life. Linda treasures the opportunity to study with Patricia Walden, one of the most senior teachers of Iyengar Yoga. Since first meeting her in 2004, Linda has been inspired by Patricia's dynamic teaching and the devotional, refined elegance of her practice. A long-time prenatal and postpartum teacher and Certified Yoga Therapist, Linda specializes in Yoga for all phases of a woman’s life. With a keen eye for alignment and a broad understanding of Yoga practices, she enjoys supporting students' progress by working one-on-one in private settings to create structured self-practice.

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Cyndi Lee


Cyndi Lee began teaching meditation 30 years ago with the blessing of her root guru, the great Tibetan master, Gelek Rimpoche. Cyndi is the first female Western yoga teacher to fully integrate yoga asana and Tibetan Buddhism in her practice and teaching. From 1998-2012, she founded and ran the renowned OM yoga Center, a yoga studio and dharma center. One of the most influential teachers in the U.S. Cyndi has trained thousands of meditators and yogis worldwide. OM yoga Center was the first NYC studio to offer Buddhist meditation classes. Cyndi is the author of five books including the classic yoga text: Yoga Body Buddha Mind. Other books are the The New York Times critically acclaimed May I Be Happy: A Memoir of Love, Yoga, and Changing My Mind and OM yoga: A Guide to Daily Practice. Cyndi is regular contributor to Yoga Journal, Lion’s Roar, Real Simple, and has written for Yoga International, Tricycle, and Natural Health. Recent articles include “My Slow Fashion Practice is Yoga, Too” (YJ), and “The Joy of Self-Caring” (LR). Cyndi has found that teaching meditation online is wonderful! It turns out that it is completely possible to experience genuine connection and community this way, and we get to people we might never meet any other way.

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Christine Curran

Christine has worked in the bodywork and movement fields since 2005 including over 12 years of experience as a Massage Therapist, and over 7 years of experience as a Nia Technique Instructor. While these practices were invigorating, inspiring, and rewarding, they were also taxing on her body and led to multiple injuries. In 2017 she first discovered Hanna Somatic Education and was blown away by the changes she experienced after just one group class. A massage-related injury that she had been dealing with for at least 5 years disappeared and over the next few weeks she learned the somatic movements that she needed to continue releasing the tension that was causing this long-term pain. She was inspired to train to become a Hanna Somatic Educator and began this study in 2019. Concurrently, while still working as a massage therapist and Nia instructor, she sustained a severe spinal injury which led to a period of disability, steroid injections and two failed surgeries. She began to study chronic pain in even greater detail and found her Hanna Somatics practice to be indispensable in her path back to sitting, standing, walking, and eventually hiking.

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Melissa Rehfeldt

Melissa Rehfeldt has been practicing mindfulness and meditation since 2009. She has traveled to China, the Philippines and around the United States learning from her teacher, the founder of Sheng Zhen, Master Li. On these journeys she has participated in numerous workshops, meditation retreats and completed three teacher trainings culminating to over 450 hours of class time. Melissa is a Certified Sheng Zhen Teacher who has been teaching group and private classes since 2018 along with collaborating in retreats, workshops, healing centers and sound therapy offerings. 

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“It is said that a teacher is fortunate to have a few students who shine with a genuine desire to learn, absorb and reflect on what has been taught and then eagerly share their knowledge with others. Linda is such a student and teacher, and a great example of yoga in action.”

— Sonia Nelson, Director Vedic Chant Center